Sunday, October 12, 2008

break through

I have been thinking a great deal about these landscapes and where in time they exist. The reason for my inability to decide may be that I was thinking of them as a bundle. When in fact, they have had very separate lives and the way each one comes to conclusion has nothing to do with any of the other paintings. My reason for wanting to know in the first place is to find a way to extend the imagery. To make sure I don't paint the same painting over, and over. However, with the understanding that some images are meant to be of potential future landscapes and others are in the present, and (most recently) in the past, I can push the boundaries of what each landscape might look like. Understanding this, I have the ability to make paintings that encompass all of my ideas, and still look different form one another.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I have a very difficult time throwing out my old clothes and paper trash. It stems from the feeling that I am going to need it later and will regret having throw it away. However, this feeling also comes from a concern for the environment, and the thought that if I can find a use for all of these items I won't be consuming or wasting. To deal with the rising trash mountain I created for myself I actively find uses for what is kept. If the trash is not used within a few months of going into the pile I have to get rid of it.
This next project came about because I was forcing myself to throw out my old painting clothes, when I was struck with an idea. What if I used the fabric from my old, warn-out clothes to redecorate the apartment?! So this is what I have been doing. I cut the clothes apart and make them into something pretty to go on top of the t.v., or the chair, or the wall, or who knows what? I am very happy so far with how the first two have turned out. I also think this is a great way to teach myself how to sew.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

creating a blog.

i don't actually know how to blog, i have no idea what people will want to read about so for my first entry i am going to post pictures