Monday, November 8, 2010

Late Start

Normally I am well on my way with my Christmas gifts by this time of year, but I was distracted by one thing or another and have gotten a late start. Finally, yesterday I started making my first set of gifts. I didn't get as far as I wanted to but I am trying not to get discouraged. I just keep reminding myself that as long as I stay focused I will be able to finish in plenty of time. In the past, I have kept tract of my projects on a calender. When I use the calender I have a visual representation of exactly how much I need to do, and the amount of time I have to complete it. Just like a school project. This year, I haven't do that yet, maybe I should start. Also this year I am going to be participating in my first holiday craft fair. On top of these things I am going to be trying to keep my paintings going, and increasing my work out. Add it to the pile! I am excited to be busy.

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