Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Labor of Love. A Side Effect of Loneliness

This years Christmas projects are labor intensive, and time consuming. I don't mind most of the time. I can settle in with some tea and just work. However, I find as we approach Thanksgiving, and more holiday gatherings are coming and going, these projects are keeping me form going to the social activities I am used to attending. These projects are fun and easy to work on, but if I don't spend at least a few hours at a time working I don't get anywhere. On sunday I spent 7 hrs sitting in my orange crushed velvet chair sewing. The result of my 7 hrs was one gift completed. I turned down two invitations from friends to complete this gift, and I have not spent much time with my friends since I started them. Sacrificing social interaction is not a big deal, but in about the 5 hr I do get a bit lonely. I think it is because I know that the next evening I will be back in my orange chair.
Lately I have been feeling like a bit of a bum when I am in my studio. I fumble around, and work on small studies but haven't been able to commit to making a larger painting for a while. Once, Christmas is over and I am back from my vacation I plan on spending a few nights a week in the studio, and I imagine that this will also cut into my social calender. As a result I am hoping to advance my work. I am sure that the side effect will again be loneness.

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