Monday, October 24, 2011


Does transforming a space for a birthday party count as an art installation? When do decorations cross the line and become an installation? These are the questions I have been asking myself. I was sitting on the floor in my living room ripping paper bags into strips and taping them into tree branches, and after the third evening it occurred to me that this is not a normal way to decorate for a birthday party. People usually put up some streamers, and are done. With the amount of work I am putting in... I might be crazy.

However, my decorations have a goal. The decorations are meant to transform my house, and put my guests in a different mind set. I don't want them to feel that they are in a house, at a  party, because that would be the same old thing. I want them to feel surrounded by trees, in a space that makes them smile and laugh. Additionally, I will change the lighting in the house to make is much darker.

How does this fit into my art practice? For one thing, I am reusing paper bags to make all of the trees. I have also been interested in experimenting with art installations for a while, and I think this is good practice for that.

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