Monday, October 12, 2009

This weekend I spent a good amount of time thinking about what I am going to give friends and family members for Christmas. As I am a lover of giving homemade gifts it is important that I start early in oder to finish everything in time. Last year I gave hats made out of felt, which were a big hit and in my opinion were adorable ( and super cool) but I am not sure they are used. So this year I am striving to make gifts that will be loved, but will not just sit in a closet. just sitting and thinking I came up with very little, so I went through my crafting supplies. I sorted, I examined my fabric, paper and piece and as it turned out not only do I have a lot to work with, but some great ideas.

1 comment:

Lyn said...

Homemade is great..I like to give my collages away, but only to true art lovers!