I have a very difficult time throwing out my old clothes and paper trash. It stems from the feeling that I am going to need it later and will regret having throw it away. However, this feeling also comes from a concern for the environment, and the thought that if I can find a use for all of these items I won't be consuming or wasting. To deal with the rising trash mountain I created for myself I actively find uses for what is kept. If the trash is not used within a few months of going into the pile I have to get rid of it.
This next project came about because I was forcing myself to throw out my old painting clothes, when I was struck with an idea. What if I used the fabric from my old, warn-out clothes to redecorate the apartment?! So this is what I have been doing. I cut the clothes apart and make them into something pretty to go on top of the t.v., or the chair, or the wall, or who knows what? I am very happy so far with how the first two have turned out. I also think this is a great way to teach myself how to sew.
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