There is a new cafe on Piedmont ave in Oakaland. Cafe Crush- a smoothy cafe- opened about a month ago and they have asked that I be the first person to show my work there! They would like the opening to be the day of the merchant's fair during the tulip festival, April 22, 2011! Side note: did you know Peidmount had a tulip festival? I didn't know either, but this year I will be there with smoothies on!
They have some large empty walls, and I am thinking about trying out some new groupings. We shall see, the walls are not white so the space might lend it's self well to new combinations. Also, some of my new, smaller paper work might go up. Right now they are framed, which I am still not very excited about, but I am going to try experimenting with some thicker paper. Maybe I can find a way to hang them that doesn't need a frame. turn them into objects. Having something new to show would also be nice. I am going to try and work hard to get a new painting finished in time, maybe two. Who knows? Spring 2011 here I come.